Darren Charlwood

Darren was born in Sydney’s Inner West and grew up in Redfern surrounded by the newly empowered Aboriginal community in the 1980s. He is a Wiradjuri man from the yabaay wagaan (wedge tail eagle and crow) mob in Wellington.
Darren began painting at a young age; however, it was not until 10 years ago that he began painting full time. Darren’s art is deeply rooted in his experience as a Wiradjuri man, a father, a son and a member of the urban Aboriginal community of Sydney’s Inner West. He also draws heavily from his cultural knowledge of the environment and the Wiradjuri use of lines and patterns. Within the urban context, Darren produces pieces which reflect his environment. He makes use of recycled materials which come from the environment, something which is based on the Aboriginal traditional of using only what is needed from the environment.
Darren’s work is his expression of Aboriginality and reflects his political perspectives in the resistance of Aboriginal people against colonial oppression and dispossession. His art reflects the survival and adaptation of his people when faced with invasion and the sudden and violent change to their environment which came with it. The continuation of cultural practice is a protest in itself, as reflected in the endurance of the voices of Aboriginal people in Australia.