Trevor Eastwood

My family home is Ngamba, along the Barwan river, that is a part of the larger tribal area of Kamilaroi country, it sits just on the outskirts of Brewarrina. However I have lived and worked most of my life in Western Sydney and have a strong connection with the Darug community and also consider it my home.
From a young age my father taught me that for our culture and our people to survive we must be able to walk in two worlds. He taught me to always connect, learn and show respect for our culture and the importance of passing this on to the younger generation. However you also need to go out and earn a living to provide for your family.
I’ve been a F/T Fire Fighter with NSW Fire and Rescue for the past 26 years and currently the Station Commander at Penrith Fire Station.
I’ve also set up a company, Dalmarri, delivering cultural experiences throughout Sydney schools, supported by the Education Department, either by way of murals, cultural tutorials and displays.
I was fortunate growing up to have a strong role model in my Father, Danny Eastwood who won Indigenous Artist of the Year twice. Over the years he has taught me many techniques and the value of sharing my culture through art and the important role it plays in our society and letting our voice be heard.
Life is short, but art lives forever.