
Boomalli Membership

Boomalli’s primary aim is to showcase and elevate the voices of NSW Aboriginal language group Artists. We welcome all Artists who identify with a NSW language group to apply to join the Co-operative and become a part of our vibrant arts community.
Becoming a Boomalli member will provide you with access to a wider range of opportunities including:
The annual membership fee is $22.
  • Participation in annual members’ shows at Boomalli’s Flood St gallery

  • Inclusion of small products and artworks in Boomalli’s retail space
  • Access to the Boomalli gallery’s studio workshop space

  • Pop up exhibitions in other galleries, community organisations and corporate spaces

  • Receiving income from your work (our commission is 33% with all proceeds going back to the Co-operative)

  • Commission work such as murals, design projects, artist talks, workshops and artwork licensing. Boomalli supports our artists throughout these engagements including creation of best practice contracts and negotiating industry rates. These opportunities provide an entry point for emerging artists to advance and further develop their creative practice

  • Receiving mentorship from Senior and established artist members

  • Access to skills and mentoring workshops and copyright advice.

To join and become a member of Boomalli either fill in the online form below or download a membership application, fill in, scan and return to Make sure you attach a CV or bio, and some examples of your work.

All memberships are assessed by the Boomalli Board, and are put forward at each Director’s Meeting. Please be patient with receiving a response, if we require any further information a member of our team will contact you.

If you have trouble accessing the form please contact the Boomalli team at or give us a call on 02 9560 2541.

Download Membership Form

Application for Membership of Boomalli

"*" indicates required fields

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Max. file size: 2 MB.
Max. file size: 2 MB.


9 Objects

The objects of the co-operative shall be:

  1. To provide an Aboriginal Art Gallery for the display of Aboriginal Art and to provide exhibition space and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists.
  2. To promote Aboriginal culture and independence through all visual art mediums.
  3. To promote the teaching of arts and for self management and self determination.

20 Qualifications for Membership

  1. A person is not qualified to be admitted to membership of the co-operative unless the board has
    reasonable grounds for believing that the person will be an active member under Rule 18;
  2. Every member shall be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and be accepted as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander by the Aboriginal community in the local area;
  3. Every member shall hold at least five shares;
  4. Every member shall pay an annual membership subscription of $22.00. The membership fee is to be paid by 30 September of each year;
  6. All members must be active members of the co-operative.

18 Active Membership Provision

  1. The promotion and preservation of Aboriginal arts is a primary activity of the co-operative;
  2. a member shall during the previous twelve months have:
  3. (i) kept a current curriculum vitae with the co-operative;
  4. (ii) displayed a work of art in the co-operative’s gallery, and
  5. (iii) contributed a work of art free to the co-operative, to be used for the purposes of raising funds at an annual sale, in order to continue the work of the co-operative. The funds so raised shall be used at the discretion of the board, and
  6. (iv) provided six completed works of art of exhibition standard to the society to provide a stock for exhibitions and sales arranged by or through the co-operative; in order to establish active membership of the co-operative.